IBAM 31 Conference
Hybrid (Virtual & Orlando, FL).
October 10 - 11, 2024

Marcel C. Minutolo
IBAM President
The Institute of Behavioral and Applied Management
Welcome to IBAM! Join this organization of scholars, practitioners, and leaders looking to connect with ideas, insights, and collegiality. The Mission of IBAM is ‘Bridging Scholarship, Teaching, and Practice’. Our annual conference exemplifies this mission when we bring together a wide variety of professionals and students seeking to share knowledge and expertise through networks and relationships that extend beyond the conference. In 2020 we shifted our conference to a virtual platform and found that we were able to include more and reach more participants. In 2023 we will be presenting IBAM in both virtual and in-person sessions. You may join us at Castle Hotel, on Universal Blvd in Orlando, FL or vitrually. Take advantage of a the ammenities of Orlando, the keynote speech on Friday, and great networking. Join us virtually or in person for professional development that will help you build your research skills, professional acumen, and a network to facilitate growth.
Tired of attending conferences and belonging to organizations where you are one of a cast of thousands or your name badge is more important than your contribution? We encourage newcomers and those with experience alike to participate in informative, lively and engaging sessions and social activities. Mainstream or radical, traditional or innovative, you'll find topics, workshops, research paper sessions, panels, and symposia designed to engage you.
In a survey of IBAM members...
Our culture of being friendly and collegial - ranked #1.
Great atmosphere for presenting research and helpful feedback - ranked #2.
Our members note 4 ways IBAM has helped their career:
Personal & Teaching Development
Networking & Intellectual Development
Research Development
Support for Administrative Objectives related to Presentation, Publication & Professional Service
The Institute of Behavioral and Applied Management (IBAM) is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; EIN 80-0413084. We are a professional association of college and university professors and students who are studying the field of management broadly defined, and practitioners in business, not-for-profit organizations, and government who have a strong interest in the issues and concerns related to management.
This site contains information regarding each of the Institute's programs. We will meet in person and virtually for IBAM 31 (October 10-11, 2024). IBAM also sponsors the Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management.
Daniel James Rowley, PhD, one of the IBAM Founders and Past President, has an article on the history of IBAM that can be found in the Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management, Summer/Fall 1999 - Volume 1(1), Pg. 20. Dan Rowley was not only a founding member of IBAM, but continued his support of IBAM as a Past President, Reviewer, Author, and Discussant until his death. His historical account of IBAM’s origins and his authorship of the core documents of the organization serve to remind us of his honorable legacy.
The exact date of IBAM’s founding is uncertain (some say it began over drinks in Charleston, S.C. in the summer of 1990; others say it began later that year in Philadelphia during the annual meeting of the Association of Management (AsM); while still others point to a meeting in January, 1992 in Pittsburgh). The first official meeting, however, was held in the summer of 1992 in Breckenridge, Colorado where the first roster of officers was elected, an initial mission was approved, and it was decided that we would begin to raise funds to support an initial national conference.
An initial national office was established in the Monfort College of Business at the University of Northern Colorado, and Dan Rowley as the initial president and two student assistants (provided by the College) set about organizing the first official meetings.
Based on a major gift from the University of Northern Colorado and several smaller gifts from officers and other educational institutions, IBAM 1 was held in Denver in the fall of 1993. There were only 74 participants, but the conference was a success, raising enough money to support a call for papers for IBAM 2, to be held in the fall of 1994 in Washington, D.C. The Denver conference also attracted our first nationally-known Keynote speaker, Dr. Fred Luthans from the University of Nebraska, thus creating a tradition IBAM has tried to maintain over the years.
As they say, the rest is history. IBAM has grown in terms of financial strength, national reputation, and quality over the years. The general format of the organization and its program has changed very little over the years, only adding new activities and academic areas as they have become evident in the body of knowledge in the Field of Management. Clearly, one of our major advancements has been the introduction of the Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management which is published as a virtual journal on the Internet. Its first edition was published in 1999, and has become a widely known and respected contribution by IBAM to the management academic community.
The original mission of IBAM was to provide a small boutique academic professional organization to serve the needs of professors (especially new professors), students, and management practitioners in a smaller, helpful, and constructive environment. As the organization has progressed, it has not only achieved the goals implied in the mission statement, but has sought to remain relevant, maintain a high level of quality, and become a family.
IBAM is a 501c3 non-profit organization. We appreciate and accept all contributions and sponsorships.
To help us continue serving you and fulfilling our mission,
please consider donating today.