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"Crafting the Future"

Aug 1-3, 2019

San Jose State University

Powering Silicon Valley


To view our full calendar, please click here

Aug 1-3


IBAM 26 Conference

San Jose State University

Long Branch, NJ

May 17


Paper Submission Deadline

Decisions will be communicated by May 31st

July 1


Early Registration Deadline

Don't wait! Register Today!

Monmouth University

Long Branch, NJ




"Crafting the Future"

Aug 1-3, 2019

San Jose State University

Powering Silicon Valley

Priority Submission:

January 1, 2018 – February 15, 2018

Regular Submission:

February 16, 2018 – April 30, 2018

Call for Papers

IBAM welcomes you! Whether you are a veteran researcher, management consultant practitioner, student, or new faculty member, there is a place for you in the Institute of Behavioral and Applied Management. We encourage newcomers and those with experience alike to participate in informative, lively and engaging sessions. IBAM offers a friendly, collegial atmosphere to present your research, receive helpful feedback, and move your work toward publication. IBAM provides helpful reviews, career development workshops, and a respectful approach to academic rigor.

Join us on the campus of San Jose State University in the heart of Silicon Valley for our 26th IBAM conference. Lodging will be provided on the SJSU campus at $230 for all three nights, likely much less expensive than local hotels. We will also publish a list of local hotels that have been recommended to us as the conference approaches.


Participate as a presenter, reviewer, session chair, discussant, volunteer, or division chair. IBAM welcomes management educators, business practitioners, and students to share their ideas, research, and experiences in a friendly and supportive environment. Session discussions are stimulating, informative, and broad-based. 

IBAM warmly welcomes you as an individual and a colleague. Executives, managers, professionals, and students are all members and active participants in IBAM’s annual conferences. IBM conferences have something for everyone!

Review To become an IBAM reviewer, contact the program chair, Mary Pisnar. IBAM seeks serious reviewers who will commit to providing a thorough review of academic and practitioner work within their fields.  We ask that you commit to review no more than three (3) submissions and that you commit to a 2-3 week turnaround of submission that you are assigned.  We value your expertise and time.

Submit your original paper, symposium, workshop, or idea incubator proposal for anonymous peer review into our reviewing portal at ScholasticaHQ. The IBAM conference is an excellent outlet for completed research, work-in-progress, and the sharing of experiences in a variety of management sub-fields through refereed paper sessions, symposia, workshops, and panel discussions.

Consider one of these categories of submission – one is sure to fit your research!

Full Paper

A completed paper that is being considered for publication.  It might be a work in progress, work for which you are still collecting developmental feedback.  It might also be a “bottom drawer” paper you are trying to revive. All full papers will be automatically considered for best paper awards. 

Student Papers

A subcategory of “Full Papers” is a student paper. One author (ideally the first author) must be a student and must attend. Undergraduate, Masters, and Doctoral learners are welcome. “Best Student Paper” award(s) will be selected from this category. Sponsoring faculty members should encourage institutional or private support of students whose papers are accepted. Submissions should include a statement that the student will attend the conference.

Symposia or Workshop

Either panel or presenter format. Proposals that cross disciplines and include multiple institutions are highly encouraged. A panel or workshop presentation is allotted extended time on the program, so the proposal should be well-detailed and show potential added value for conference attendees. Submissions should include a 3-5 page proposal and a statement that all contributors intend to register for and attend the conference.


Symposia and workshops are not double-blind reviewed, but are selected by the Program Chair for inclusion in the program. All authors involved in developing accepted symposia and workshops should plan to attend the conference as presenters.


Idea Incubator

A research idea that is still being “kicked around.” At a minimum, idea incubators should have a literature review, hypotheses or research questions, and some idea of methodology.  Idea incubators will be placed into their own sessions to allow feedback from peers in a more informal setting.

Submission Guidelines

  1. All submissions must be entirely original and may not be under concurrent consideration or accepted for presentation elsewhere. You may submit up to two papers and/or proposals in any or all of the divisions.  This includes papers and proposals that are co-authored.

  2. Submissions should be double-spaced with one-inch margins, typed in a 12-point font, and follow APA format. All submissions should reflect appropriate academic research form and include three keywords, as well as a 75-word abstract. Indicate the IBAM division to which you are making the submission. IBAM divisions are as follows:

    • Division 1:  Human Resource Management

    • Division 2:  Organizational Behavior

    • Division 3:  Strategic and Global Management

    • Division 4:  Management Education and Pedagogy

    • Division 5:  Student Papers

  3. Guidelines by submission type:

    1. Full Papers  should not exceed 30 pages (total – including references). 

    2. Symposia & Workshop Proposals  should submit a three to five-page proposal outlining details of the symposia or workshop presentation, along with a statement that all presenters intend to register for the conference.

    3. Idea Incubator Sessions should have a draft paper including literature review, hypotheses or research questions, and some discussion of methodology

  4. Paper Submission Deadline:  May 17, 2019. Submit your paper, proposal, or summary by uploading it into the IBAM Conference submissions page at ScholasticaHQ and following the instructions for submissions located at that site. Submission acceptance decisions will be made by June 30, 2019

  5. Author Information:  Do not include author information. Author information will be recorded on the submission page at the Scholastica site. The uploaded document should be free of any identifying author indications and the document “Properties” data should be cleared as well. All submissions are double blind-reviewed. Preparation of your title page should include:

    1. The title of your submission

    2. The submission type: Full Paper, Symposia, Workshop, or Idea Incubator. Student papers should also indicate “Student” on the title page

    3. The division to which you are submitting (Divisions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or Special Topics)

  6. Submission Process: Follow the link to the IBAM submission page at ScholasticaHQ Note that there is a $20.00 fee per submission. At the beginning of your abstract, you should note the type of submission (paper, symposia, or incubator). If we do not see that designation, we will assume it is a full paper and referee it accordingly.

  7. Register: All accepted program participants must register and attend the conference. Early registration fees ($340.00 or $265.00) must be paid by June 30, 2019, and cannot be returned after this date for any reason. Your conference registration fee covers annual IBAM membership, all meals (except Friday night), snacks and gratuities. Your registration fee does not cover the cost of lodging (residential housing or hotel) or transportation to and from the conference. Register early as fees increase to $390.00 for practitioners and faculty ($315 for students) after June 30, 2019.

  8. Transportation and Lodging: Lodging will be available on the SJSU campus as previously noted for $230 for all three nightsRegister​ for SJSU housing here.  There are also hotels near the university from $300-$400 per night.  Here is a list of hotels nearby.  San Jose is served by the San Fransisco Airport (SFO) and the San Jose Airport (SJC).  Here are two options for driving directions if you are flying into San Francisco: Option 1 and Option 2. If you are flying into San Jose airport, here are driving directions. There is a public transportation option to the campus.  There is also a public rail system that connects SJSU with surrounding communities such as Mountain View.

  9. Campus Map and Parking: The conference will be held in the Boccardo Business Classrooms at the School of Global Innovation and Leadership, Lucas College and Graduate School of Business. Check-in and Registration will be in BBC #105.

       See the attached campus map for the closest parking to the conference venue:



Best Papers are Eligible for JBAM Consideration and Journal Publication


The Best Papers in each Division are eligible for publication consideration in the Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management (JBAM). The journal provides an international outlet for its contributors and is published three times per year. To learn more about our journal, click here.

Student Scholarships Awarded    


In support of student scholars, IBAM may award a $250 best paper scholarship in its student classifications. In addition, a special student rate applies for conference registration. A student must declare (check box) student status at time of submission. Eligible papers may be co-authored with a faculty member, but the student must be first author, attend the conference and must present the paper. Faculty sponsors should inform students of conference costs and encourage institutional or personal support of attendance. Student scholarships will be presented with the award at the conference award luncheon.

IBAM 26 Program

Thursday, August 1, 2019


8:00 am – 9:00 am    Leadership Breakfast

9:00 am – 11:15 am  Leadership Meeting

11:30 am – 1:00 pm  Welcome Luncheon = Room BBC 032

                                                                        "Speed Networking Silicon Valley Style" facilitated by Sandra Clark, CEO, LinkedIn Mentoring




                                                                        Special Appearance by Jean Luc Vaillant, Co-Founder, LinkedIn

1:30 pm – 2:30 pm   Academic and Practitioner Presentations 

2:30pm – 2:45pm     Break

2:45pm – 3:45pm     Academic and Practitioner Presentations 

3:45pm – 4:00pm     Break

4:00pm – 5:00pm     Academic and Practitioner Presentations 

6:00pm – 8:00pm     Presidential Reception

                                  Vintage Room, Silicon Valley Capital Club [Click link for dress code]

                                  50 West San Fernando St, 17th Floor, San Jose, CA

                                  (5 minutes from the SJSU campus; free parking with validation is available in the underground garage)

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Sandra Clark is a LinkedIn and networking expert who works with individuals, teams, and organizations to create and manage their LinkedIn presence for dynamic results. Her teaching experience spans more than 20 years of training in Silicon Valley and abroad. She enjoys demystifying the finer points of LinkedIn and creating strategies for connecting people that achieve results. Sandra works with busy professionals in a variety of industries, from high tech to academia, with any level of social media experience. To take full advantage of this activity, please download the LinkedIn App to your mobile device and be sure you can login in advance.

Jean Luc Vaillant immigrated to the US from France in 1996 and has been pivotal as an entrepreneur in creating several social networking and social media sites, including He is perhaps most noted for his leadership roles as Co-Founder and CTO of LinkedIn, the world's largest professional network on the Internet with 600 million accounts in more than 200 countries and territories. LinkedIn's corporate hiring solutions are used by more than 70% of the Fortune 100. In 2016, LinkedIn was acquired by Microsoft for $26.2 billion.

Friday, August 2, 2019


7:00 am – 8:15 am    Breakfast - Room BBC 032

Friday Breakfast Featured Speaker, Dr. Russell Hancock, President and CEO, Joint Venture Silicon Valley

8:30 am – 11:30 am   Academic and Practitioner Presentations

11:45 am – 1:15 pm   Awards Lunch and Keynote Address


Friday Awards Luncheon and Keynote Speaker, Philip J. Carmack, VP/GM, Google

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Dr. Russell Hancock is president and CEO of Joint Venture Silicon Valley (JVSC), the recognized clearing house of regional analysis and a collaborative consortium of government and business leaders tackling the region's toughest challenges. In 2011, the US GAO launched a national indicators project modeled after JVSC’s Silicon Valley Index, with Dr. Hancock advising. Today, the Joint Venture model is being replicated in metropolitan regions across the US and abroad. Dr. Hancock has advised governments in Beijing, London, Madrid, the Netherlands, and Taipei. Previously, he was Vice President of the Bay Area Council, where he led efforts to create a Bay Area Water Transit Authority, among other initiatives. Dr. Hancock is on Silicon Valley Business Journal’s annual list of the Valley’s most influential “players.” His interviews appear regularly in the NYT, Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg Business Week, The Financial Times and Forbes. He is also a frequent guest on NBC Nightly News and is host of Inside Silicon Valley, a weekly radio program. Harvard educated in the field of Government, Dr. Hancock received his Ph.D, in Political Science from Stanford and teaches in its Public Policy Program. He is also a world-class pianist and founder of The Saint Michael Trio.


Philip J. Carmack is Vice President and General Manager of Emerging Products at Google. He has been Chief Executive Officer of PsiKick, Inc. and a serial entrepreneur in the technology industry for more than 30 years. Mr. Carmack has served as the Chief Executive Officer of Aptina Imaging Corporation, Senior Vice President of Engineering at 3dfx Interactive, Inc., Senior Vice President for NVIDIA Corporation's Mobile Business Unit, Senior Vice President of Handheld GPU Business Unit of Nvidia Corp., and Senior Vice President of Wireless Media Processor Business Unit of Nvidia Corp. He has over 20 years of engineering and management experience in high-end computing graphics systems, as well as silicon and software design. Mr. Carmack has also served as Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer at Gigapixel and founded and served as Chief Executive Officer of Raydiant. In addition, he is currently serving as a director of PsiKick and Aptina. Mr. Carmack earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering at Brigham Young University and a Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University.

1:30 pm – 3:00 pm     Academic and Practitioner Presentations 

3:15pm – 6:00pm      Optional Tour of Google, visit to the Computer History Museum

                                   (Please let Mary Pisnar know if you are interested in van carpooling; admission to the CHM is $17.50/person)

6:00 and beyond        Optional dinner in Mountain View

Saturday, August 3


7:00 am – 8:00 am     Breakfast - Room BBC 032

Saturday Breakfast Featured Speaker, David Entwistle, President and CEO, Stanford Heath Care (SHC)

8:00 am – 11:00 am   Academic and Practitioner Presentations 

11:15 am – 2:00 pm   Closing Leadership Meeting - Get involved!


* Registration and all meals (except Friday evening dinner) are included in your conference registration.


We look forward to seeing you at San Jose State University for IBAM 26!


Scott Jeffery,  IBAM President,

David Entwistle has extensive experience leading academic medical centers and is a passionate advocate of precision health - tailoring treatments to a patient’s specific conditions as well as focusing on prevention and empowering individuals to take charge of their health care. He joined SHC in 2016, attracted by the technological innovation of Silicon Valley that helps advance health care, such as wearable devices for tracking activity or monitoring blood glucose levels. Previously, David served as CEO of the University of Utah Hospital & Clinics, where he received the Modern Healthcare “Up and Comers Award,” for significant contributions in health care administration, management and policy. He has served as SVP and COO at the University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics and as a VP of City of Hope National Medical Center in Duarte, CA. David also serves on the boards of the American Hospital Association, the AAMC Council of Teaching Hospitals, the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education, and Vizient. He is past chair of the Utah Hospital Association and was appointed by the governor of Utah to the state’s Medicaid Task Force. An avid cyclist, often accompanied by his son, he enjoys competing in Ironman Triathlons as well. David tweets at @DEntwistleSHC.

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Special Thanks to our 2019 Conference Sponsors

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